
  • This study utilized a convenience sample due to the accelerated nature of the course and subsequent time restraints.
  •  Due to the use of a convenience sampling, the study will represent a limited population. The population size will be limited because all of the participants of the survey will be current participants in a baccalaureate program at a midwestern liberal arts college.
  • Given the limited population and number of potential participants, the results will not be able to be generalized to exterior populations outside of this study. 
  • The study and survey will also be optional and so the potential survey responders may greatly outnumber the number of actual participants that chose to respond to the survey.
  •  While the findings of this survey may be used to guide other research which could be generalizable, this study will only be applicable to the specific body of students partaking in the study. The survey design of this study will also not include testing the research instrument for validity or reliability because of the time constraints on this study.
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