
This section explains how data was generated, analyzed, and information on the population that the data was drawn from.


A two-tailed, independent samples t-test and cross tabs were employed and calculated to determine any difference between criminal justice and non-criminal justice majors in their perception of the importance of art crime and law.

Data gathered was calculated by the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS). The survey included Likert-scale questions which will contain variables that have been defined and coded to measure participant perceptions of each variable.

Introduction & Population

This study was conducted to determine if there is a difference between criminal justice and non-criminal justice majors in their perception of the importance of art crime and law among undergraduate students in an accelerated program at a small, Midwestern, Liberal Arts college. 

32 Students completed the survey.

Subjects were a convenience sample.

The participants were 26 years old or above.


Study Design & Data Collection

This study was conducted through a quantitative, non-experimental survey design study which utilized convenience sampling. The research-constructed survey was administered online and emailed to students enrolled in an accelerated baccalaureate degree program at the small Midwestern Liberal Arts college.

Ethical Considerations

This study ensured minimal risk is involved with participating in this study.  

  • All participants in this research are anonymous.
  • Survey software did not record IP addresses or other identifying information.
  •  Participants are only be identified as non-traditional, undergraduate students in an accelerated baccalaureate program at a small, Midwestern, Liberal Arts college.
  •  The researcher had no face -to-face interaction with the participants in relation to this study. 
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